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Audio-Visual Sudoku

Audio-Visual Sudoku

For this week, I am indebted to a notice by Peter (of Belfast) from Sudokuworld Yahoo Group whose reference tosudoku.xls site has directions for standard text files useful for the visually impaired and blind. In Peter’s link, there are not only ordinary Sudoku puzzles but also Sudoku Tanto (Odd and Even clues) and 6×6 Mini-San Puzzles which overlap in the last/first block of cells.

A search of the key phrase “Blind Sudoku” yields Sudoku-Swicki which is a list of links related to “Braille Sudoku”. Also, Google Groups has The Blind Sudoku Discussion group. Fred’s Head Companion with the American Printing House For The Blind, is another site specializing in tips, resources, and a general database for and by blind and visually impaired people.