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Barcode Sudoku

Barcode Sudoku

The ubiquity of Barcodes! They’ve come upon the scene suddenly in 1973 and for a while barcodes showed themselves in many inappropriate places (tattoos, cartoons, human foreheads, etc.), they became invisible because they were everywhere. Indeed, they are significantly missing from the educational curriculum. Mathematics ignores them. Ironically, the initial outcry was that human beings should not be treated merely as numbers!

New tagging inventions, particularly the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tagging technology were born invisible. The furor against this has been minimal, despite that an RFID tag can be applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification using radiowaves. Perhaps the mantra for humans could be: I am not a signal tag!

But I digress. I have taught Unix Shell Programming with a Final exam question that was 3 pages of Barcode introductory description and one paragraph of question, involving computing the check digit on bonafide and illegal barcodes.

In the case of this Sudoku variant, it’s clear that the usual solving methods won’t work as well since the graphic representation of the number takes up nearly the entire cell. Perhaps a parallel Sudoku must be solved with ordinary numbers and then the barcode transcription be made.

In any event, I thought this was a cool way to solve a Sudoku puzzle. I hope you enjoy the sight or the struggle.