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Solving Sudoku Video Animation

There’s an impressive video animation of a Sudoku puzzle (3 MB, 2:26) along with a soundtrack for which I could only hear the first two notes.

It starts and solves a puzzle step by step on Mark Huckvale’s Web site. He is a professor of Phonetics and Linguistics at University College London (United Kingdom).

The video starts with the given starting numbers and the next scene has all the possible numbers in the blank cells except for those used in the same row, column or block. As new numbers are inserted, the remaining unchosen candidates disappear. (A whole lot of erasin’ going on!)

Perhaps it would better mirror the solving reality, if the constraints of the digit being anywhere else but there, were highlighted also (and perhaps spoken). Nevertheless, it is an excellent and insightful example of solving a Sudoku puzzle in under 3 minutes.

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Welcome, Sudoku fans!

This is Erasable Games’ Webmaster, just leaving a quick welcome note to all of you stopping by. Like Robert and Barb (and presumably you), I am also a Sudoku player, both online and of course on my trusty Power Sudoku2 white board. I’m really glad you’ve found our site, and I hope you find our products as helpful as I do in solving Sudoku puzzles.

You won’t be hearing much from me on the blog, as they keep me plenty busy around here. However, if you run in to any problems on the site or with ordering, or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us and let us know. We’d love to hear from you, and we’re here to help.