My wife pointed out that in no way are solving the puzzle and making a tune in a cause and effect relationship. In the interest of clarity, what I really mean is for you to solve the puzzle and then sing, whistle, hum, play, and/or listen to any tune of your choice, composed by you or anyone else. This way, all can take part.
As I look at these musical symbols, I am aware that these look perfectly natural to me, since I learned to read piano music at the age of 5. I’m sure there are those for whom these symbols are mostly strange.
Music notation and symbols have long term strategic importance for preserving musical compositions for future generations. It is a true encoding. Various media containing musical sounds: Cylinders of the early 20th century, 78 RPM phonograph records of the 1920s-1950s, 45 RPM records (1950s), 33.3 RPM long playing records (1950-1980s), Audio Tape (1960-1980s), and CDs (1980-now), MP3s (2000-now) may appear to be lasting, but just remember that all of them require a device to play the media. If the device is not available, the physical media become merely fashion statements and the electronic media become indecipherable. Musical notation on sheet music persists!
Enjoy your summer, now that it is finally here! Muse on the puzzle.
Hi Dad,
Your musical sudoku is very fun! I would just like to offer the more common terms for a couple of your musical symbols. The “F Clef” is more commonly called a Bass Clef. The 4/4 time when it looks like a “C” is called Common Time. The “G Clef” is more commonly known as a Treble Clef.
Love, Rona